I mention this because Reiki helps immensely in balancing these energy centers to enable you to become a clear channel for your higher self. But it just won't do the grunt work for you. If it's a recurring issue, or an old habit or pattern that you've refused to work on yourself, Reiki won't do any good. It's kind of like changing the oil in your car without replacing the dirty filter with a clean one.
It's so important that we work on our old habits that no longer serve our higher selves or our greatest good, simply because our task here is to grow and move forward. If we actively try to improve ourselves, the Universe will provide whatever it is that we need. Those of you who might be scoffing at this - just sit back and ask yourself if you've actually tested and trusted it. I can guarantee you that if you're recoiling from that idea, you haven't let go enough to see what happens. Try it - you'll end up surprised at the results!
To see more of what Holistically Yours is all about, visit my website!
Jayleen Hayden is a Level II Certified Usui Reiki Practitioner based out of the Greater Portland, Maine area.