Is there such a thing as truly being lost? I suppose it might feel that way if you venture far enough down the rabbit hole, but what if that journey is just an adventure of discovery? What if every time you made a "wrong" turn you learned something new about yourself that wasn't even a part of your consciousness when you awoke that morning?
We've been taught to fear the unknown; the uncharted. To deeply enmesh ourselves in the comfort of the familiar and safety of the status quo. How to color within the lines while daydreaming as an escape from the confines of the pages we've been convinced we have to fill in order to live meaningfully. But... what if it didn't have to be an escape? What if our escape was our reality? If our page was the fabric on the sofa or the wallpaper in our grandmother's kitchen? A simple safety in knowing that what feels perfect and true for us really is exactly that.
The bulk of the discomfort on this Earth is resulting from old programming forcing us to believe that we need to think, feel, act, and be a certain way. That anything contrary is foolish, naive, and ungrounded. Many of us are beginning to feel anxiety surrounding our life paths. Things may feel like they're all wrong but without the ability to discern why. It's important to take the time to sit in solitude and dive deep right down that rabbit hole. Get lost. Explore every single dark corner until you know it like the back of your hand. Take this journey and create your own map to self awareness and discovery.