Tuesday, January 15, 2013

So really... What the h*ll is Reiki?

First and foremost, Reiki is energy. Think in terms of the Force. Everything is made from energy - and it's actually all the same kind, just operating at different vibrational frequencies. So, you're made from the same energy as the chair you're sitting in and the table you're probably resting your feet on. In addition, colors and sounds are also comprised of these frequencies. There are actually colors, thoughts, emotions, sounds, internal organs, and even diseases that share the same vibrational frequencies. More on the science-y stuff at a later time, though!

So, the word 'Reiki' means Universal Energy or Life Force (hear that, Jedi?) Reiki energy is a little different from the rest of the energy that we're all made of. It's healing, completely pure, and one hundred percent light, so it can never do any harm.

There are many different types and systems, but the most traditional is Usui Reiki, which is what I practice through Holistically Yours. While the general presence of this energy therapy far precedes its written history, Usui Reiki really came into being in the mid-1800s from the research, findings, and practice of Dr. Mikao Usui.
Dr. Mikao Usui
During his time, it was incredibly secret and sacred. Students were required to go through lengthy bouts of training (we're talking years and years) before they were able to carry the Reiki Master title. It's not like students could just walk onto Nickelodeon's Legends of the Hidden Temple and call it good. 

All this being said, Usui didn't attune many Reiki Masters. He was succeeded by Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, who led a pretty neat life that consisted of the navy and surgeon-like duties, but his biggest claim to fame was passing attunement to his last student, Mrs. Takata, in 1938. Mrs. Takata, who lived in Hawaii, was responsible for introducing this practice to the Western world. 
Mrs. Takata
And that's enough history for now. Back to the fun stuff. As I noted before, Reiki is a different energy from our own; therefore, the practitioner is only a conductor. When practicing Reiki, we're just an open channel, much like the instrument Dr. Frankenstein caught the lightning with. Activating Reiki during treatment requires nothing more than placing both hands on the body with the intent to heal. Once that process begins, the Force flows and is represented by hot and cold, tingling sensations, and other nifty happenings - but that's more than enough for another post!

"Well, the Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together."-- Obi-Wan Kenobi

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